Hello, my name is Anke.

Thank you for taking the time to read up a little more about me. My name is Anke Jordaan. "Staphorst" is my maiden name. I am a photographer and graphic designer based in my home town Port Elizabeth, a town on the coast of South Africa. I live here with my husband, Henrico, and our nothing-but-love, energetic rescue “babas”, Lemmy & Mia. I value the simple things in life. Spaces overlooking the ocean, soaking up the sun, the smell of a home cooked meal, vintage gem finds in charity shops, spending time with family and driving around in my home town discovering unique breath-taking city scenery that captures the essence of Port Elizabeth. 

I fell in love with photography and design while studying art in 2010. I went on to complete my BTech in Graphic Design in 2013 and continued to study photography. I completed my Diploma in Photography in 2015. In 2017, I packed by bags and jetted off to literally the other side of the world, boarded a ship in the pacific ocean and worked as a cruise ship photographer for a couple of months. Apart from the jet lag, early mornings in crew bars, living in crew cabins, sixteen hour working days, constantly losing or gaining time due to crossing time zones and waking up in a new country every day, this was one of my greatest adventures in life so far and it taught me a great deal about myself, photography and what really matters in life.

I love telling stories though my pictures, capturing and documenting joyful moments and connections between people that are authentic and filled with emotion. When I am taking pictures I blend in and get in the mix of the people and places I shoot. I believe in letting things happen naturally, capturing candid moments in the most relaxed way possible, as they unfold. My love for this style of capturing began a few years ago as I was taking pictures behind-the-scenes backstage of theatre productions that I performed in. Taking pictures are a means of documenting moments in the now to treasure it for times to come. If you like what you have seen so far in my pictures, please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear your story and, with my camera, join you on your adventures!

Photo Cred.: Shawn Marsh